Monday, October 16, 2006

Europe’s Problem—and Ours

click the arrow to jump to the article.

excerpt: "What biblical man had perceived as a liberation from the whims of the gods or fate—the self-revelation in history of the one God who was neither a willful tyrant nor a remote abstraction—atheistic humanism perceived as bondage. Human greatness required rejecting the biblical God."

This really was a very good, although dense article. At its heart are some of the same ideas we have been kicking around. I believe that THE mission of the Church is to BE the Church - thereby setting a basis for culture by its example. The positive influence that the Church has always had on morality, culture and politics is undeniable and important. It has been when the Church has strayed from its message and decided to employ the methodologies of the "World"...i.e. the "Domination System"- that it has been an enabler and contributor to the greatest of human tragedies.

Tnnkas to a friend for this article!

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