Sunday, December 17, 2006

Justum Bellum vs. Jihad

This was very good. I have been studying a lot of this. It mentions Constantine- after whom eveything changed regarding the Christian attitude about war and domination (the change in view noted as the "Constantinian Cataract"). The dispensationalist view- which was breeched when we discussed John Hagee and the tenets of pre-millenialism. There's also lots of contemporary ideas and public figures mentioned. A man could spend a lifetime studying these things. In my view- this is the only stuff that matters. I have given a lot of serious thought lately to going back to school- getting one of the degrees I am close to- like journalism and also starting work towards a degree in Theology. The only thing stopping me right now is the need to make a living by working with my hands (I believe this is called "wage slavery"). ;)

Be sure and explore the links in this information.